Foot Pain
Have you…
Visited other providers with no resolution?
Tried shoe inserts, supportive footwear, or had temporary relief from steroid injections?

What Causes Foot Pain?
Injury, overuse or conditions causing inflammation involving the bones, ligaments or tendons of the foot can cause foot pain. Your feet are your vehicle to get from place to place every day and can be an afterthought until they start to cause you pain. Once you are experiencing pain you will want to get relief as soon as possible, but it is important to get the right kind of treatment. Use our Foot Pain Guide to find the information that speaks to your pain and schedule a 1-on-1 consultation to learn more about how to relieve your foot pain for good.
Sharp pain on the bottom of your foot close the heel, happening when you step and/or stand.
Learn MorePain, weakness, swelling, tenderness, and stiffness in the foot. It may also feel as though it moves down the foot or up the leg.
Learn MoreAche in the back of the leg or above the heel after a sport activity such as running. Pain that is more severe may occur after persistent activity.
Learn MorePain occurs under the heel or just behind it, or it can affect the side of the heel.
Learn MoreNot sure which one of these sounds like you?
Sign up for a consultation with Dr. Phipps to get help now.
About Dr. Phipps – Soft Tissue Specialist
- Dr. Phipps graduated 1st in his class and has spent the last 13 years focusing on the treatment of soft tissue injuries and pain.
- He has seen many labels given to foot pain in his years of experience treating patients in Williamsville, NY. Self-diagnosing your condition or relying on ineffective treatments such as stretching, exercises and massage will only delay the appropriate treatment you need and could make your condition worse.

Foot Pain Resolved Without Surgery – Julie
At-Home Foot Pain Screen
If you are experiencing foot pain or have failed this mobility assessment, get the right diagnosis by scheduling an in-office 1-on-1 consultation about your pain.
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*Please note that every patient is different. These tips and guides are for educational purposes only, and do not substitute for medical advice. Please consult with a medical or healthcare provider, such as Dr. Phipps, for specific diagnosis and treatment advice.